Privacy Policy Statement:
We hate spam and refuse to contribute to it! Pro Image Crest does not make contact information available to any third party for any reason except a court order. So you'll never get a single unsolicited e-mail or phone call as a result of entering your information on this website. Your information is safe with us. We will use it only for the purposes of sending you the information you requested, and following up to make sure you receive it and it answers all your questions. If you place an order with us, we'll keep your contact info on file for Customer Service purposes. You may also ask us at any time to change or delete your file. Such requests are honoured immediately.

Secure Site: This web site protects your private information using SSL, so your confidential information remains confidential. Sensitive information is encrypted before transmission. Always look for the gold lock icon in your browser before entering any sensitive information on the Internet. For example, if you're using Internet Explorer version 6, it should appear at the lower right corner, right in front of the globe image and the word "Internet". Double-click the lock icon to see information about the certificate and make sure it matches the web site you're browsing. In version 7 it's at the top right, in front of the Refresh icon; click it and then click "View certificates" to confirm the site's security. You should see this icon if you use any of the forms on this website.